Busting myths in education leads to better results

Busting myths in education leads to better results

Busting myths in education leads to better results In education, practice is too often based on myths and assumptions – “edumyths rather than scientific evidence leading to low quality teaching. But when edumyths are replaced by scientific evidence of social impact,...

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Learning from what works

Learning from what works

Learning from what works There are already many tools for education and mental health and psychosocial well-being available. In fact, a major challenge in education is choosing the right ones – because how do you know if a tool works for your purpose or not? And how...

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Education, well-being and a sense of belonging

Education, well-being and a sense of belonging

Education, well-being and a sense of belonging At the REFUGE-ED project kick off meeting Dr Teresa Sorde Marti of the UAB reminded the consortium of why we are embarking on three years of hard work in the project: “We are brought together by our shared commitment to...

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